Join Our Loyalty Program

Don’t sleep on the opportunity! Join our Loyalty Program and unlock exclusive benefits today.

  • Bronze

    Start hosting your events at SAVON. Spend $2,000 and enjoy 10% off your next booking.

  • Silver

    Spend $2,001 to $5,000 and receive 15% off your next booking and 15 GATHER credits.

  • Gold

    Spend $5,001 to $10,000 for a 20% discount off your next booking and 20 GATHER credits.

  • Platinum

    Spend over $10,000 to get 25% off you next booking and 25 GATHER credits.

Host an Event

  • Amenities

    Amenities include ample free parking and breathtaking ocean views with central air conditioning. Other amenities include fast and secure wifi and AV equipment.

  • Flexible Layout

    Our space comes with a mixture of lounge chairs, tables, cafe style seating and more. With a flexible open floor concept, we’ll adjust our furniture to meet your event needs.

  • Vendor List

    We work with local vendors from mobile bars, catering, event staging and more. Our hope is to make planning an event easy and fun. We’ll connect you to a proper representative.

  • Amenities

    Amenities include ample free parking, lattes, ocean views, central air conditioning, fast and secure wifi.

  • Community

    During coworking hours you can expect a healthy mix of people in different industries. You’ll never know who you’ll meet!

  • Local Eateries

    Local eateries are just a short walk away. Enjoy a nice lunch break and select from a verity of choices.

What’s a GATHER Credit?

Our GATHER Credit is our internal currency which allows you to use our space that way you need it.

Day Pass or Guest Pass = 1 credit / day
Conference Room = 2 credits / hour
Small Offices = 1 credit / hour


How do I advance to the next tier in the loyalty program?

Advance to the next tier by increasing your total spend within our venue. Each tier—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—has a specific spending threshold that unlocks greater discounts and more GATHER credits.

Do GATHER credits expire?

GATHER credits are valid for one year from the date they are awarded, giving you ample time to utilize them for booking our venues and services.

Is there a membership fee for the loyalty program?

No, there is no membership fee to join our loyalty program. It’s our way of saying thank you and providing additional value to our frequent clients.

How do I maintain my status in the loyalty program?

To keep your current tier status in our loyalty program, you must book at least one venue rental per year with a minimum spend of $1,500. This ensures you continue to enjoy the benefits and rewards of your loyalty level.

Are there any restrictions on using the loyalty program discounts?

Yes, the discounts from our loyalty program apply only to hourly rates. Please note that daily flat rates and cleaning fees are not eligible for these discounts.

Main Space Availability